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Easy Grammar® Plus
$6.95 – $41.95
Easy Grammar® Plus Teacher Edition
ISBN: 978-0-936981-130
- Non-grade level (junior high through adult)
- Contains additional higher level concepts such as gerunds plus the perfect and progressive tenses
- Includes more difficult capitalization and punctuation rules
- Unit reviews, unit tests, cumulative reviews, and
- Cumulative tests
- 665 pages See “Scope and Sequence” for content
- Reproducible worksheets (answer key on left side and reproducible page on right)
- Tests are also in the teacher edition
Q. What grade level is Easy Grammar Plus?
A. Easy Grammar Plus is a non-grade level text; therefore, it has wide application. Although the text is ideal for seventh grade, it is used by various middle schools (junior highs), high schools, and in some colleges.
Q. What is the difference between Easy Grammar texts and Easy Grammar Ultimate Series texts?
A. Easy Grammar texts include Grades 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and Plus. Grades 2-6 are for elementary students. Concepts are taught within sequential grammar units, beginning with prepositions. Using this approach, sentences are stripped to basics, enabling students to understand subject and verb and to build throughout each text.
EG Plus will give any student beyond Grade 6 a solid, basic understanding of grammar. It’s especially popular because the text is written at a fourth-grade reading level. Therefore, students can focus on concepts. Like the other Easy Grammar texts, concepts are taught within sequential grammar units. Using a prepositional approach, sentences are stripped to basics for students to identify subject and verb and to build on more challenging topics such as subject-verb agreement, predicate nominatives, and correct usage in all areas.
The Easy Grammar Ultimate Series texts are similar to both Easy Grammar and Daily GRAMS. The texts are like Easy Grammar in that they are teaching texts. Concepts relating to phrases, clauses, compound-complex sentences, and other higher-level concepts (as well as basics) are presented in a 180 daily lesson format found in Daily GRAMS texts. Concepts are introduced, reintroduced, applied, expanded, etc. throughout each text. See the “Scope and Sequence” for each EGUS level: Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, and Grade 12.
Sample Pages
Page 383
Page 391
Page 479
Page 631
Easy Grammar® Plus Student Workbook
ISBN: 978-0-936981-147
- 350 pages
- Contains higher level information included in Easy Grammar Plus teacher edition
Easy Grammar®: Plus Student Test Booklet
ISBN: 978-0-936981-536
This student test booklet saves you from having to make copies of the tests.
Easy Grammar® Plus eBook
- Teacher Edition
- Printable Student Pages
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